It Can Be Good to Disconnect
Sunday, January 28, 2018 / 1:00 PMIn 2017, all I could think about was how burnt out I felt by the news cycle and the endless feed of news that crossed my eyes every day. It's one of the downsides, I suppose, of staring at a computer all day – but even though I've been in this business for 6 years, for some reason, last year just hit me hard.
Last week, I got dinner with a friend, who's in the same industry, and she told me she had deleted social media apps off her phone. She realized her justifications in the past of "needing" to be connected for her job didn't hold up the more she felt herself getting drowned in the news she had spent all day consuming already. As I was listening to her talk about it, I realized I wanted so badly to do the same – except I'm afraid I don't have the same self-control.